LDL Open house days 2019
LDL Open house days
The 2019 open house days were a great success! Our renovated showroom with ecological and progressive technologies and the ongoing demonstrations will appeal to your tastes. We displayed and commissioned numerous appliances. Our visitors were able to see the use of each appliance, and you could also test some appliances yourself. Thanks to all visitors, and especially to our partners for the wonderful demonstrations. Thanks to our partners, we were able to exhibit a full range of products: from soap dispensers, dry-cleaning solvents, spotting products, to hangers and laundry bags, etc.
We were also able to highlight our recent cooperation with Laundry BV on our open house days. Were you unfortunately unable to attend? Feel free to request a personal appointment at our showroom. Please send an email to sales@ldlnv.be to fix an appointment, or give us a call. Would you like to be invited to this event next time? Then sign up for our newsletter. This will keep you informed about future events and you will receive a personal invitation to the open house days. Until the next open house days!